Purchase Epic Marketplace items here.
The Unreal Engine 4 Marketplace by Epic is an e-commerce platform. Content creators connect with developers using Unreal Engine 4 by providing a wealth of game-ready content and code.
The Deplorable Mountaineer store provides Unreal Engine 4 assets for game makers. The first low-cost asset sold here is a metal materials pack. In addition there are plastics and glasses packs.
The flagship product is the Classic Single-Player FPS Game Framework, over one man-year of work that you do not have to do.
In addition, there are free-to-play games on itch.io.
At a later time, there may be assets added to Unity’s Asset Store. A link to Deplorable Mountaineer’s page there will be provideded when that happens. Meanwhile, the main link to the asset store is https://assetstore.unity.com/.